Protect Critical Data

File Archiving Software Enables Data Availability

Get scheduled and continuous data protection.

Ensure teams always have critical file access

File synchronization and replication software enhance data availability and file recovery. Such file archiving software is useful when facing outages or when data is deleted or damaged data and must be recovered.

Protect your business from lost productivity and money. Ensure that employees can access the data they need to work well.

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File archiving software ensures business continuity

Syncing data to another place helps ensure your data is available. It also readies you for the unexpected. SureSync Standard enables easy replication and syncing. It works on a clock schedule via UNC paths.

SureSync Pro’s Communications Agent adds performance-enhancing features such as:

  • Real-time change processing
  • TCP communications
  • Remote Differential Compression support to transfer only changed file portions
  • Transmission Compression/encryption
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File locking protects against errors and data loss

File locking allows for the creation of multi-way file replicas. That allows SureSync MFT users to work on local data. It helps prevent changes to a file in many locations at once. Employees can always access the current data off a remote office’s server if a server goes down. 

Our next-generation solution also offers a file archiving module. This enables versioned file backups to both hard drive and cloud storage. That allows for quick restoration to a prior point in time, protecting against:

  • Accidental deletion
  • File corruption
  • Unintended edits
  • And more

The SureSync product suite offers file archiving software that enables synchronization and file replication features. Those can help any business achieve greater file availability and recovery.

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Data Availability Guide

Effective replication enables data availability

A multi-server environment requires file archiving software for syncing, replication, and backup. That's better enabled with a managed file transfer solution (MFT). Our guide helps IT leaders understand MFT. It shows how it can meet their needs.


Protect Your Data & Ensure Its Availability


It enables flexible and reliable file sync and replication. This provides secure file access for distributed teams.

Get to Know SureSync

SureSync MFT™

SureSync MFT is a powerful next-gen MFT solution. It includes file locking and backups. They keep your data safe and up to date for users worldwide.

Learn About SureSync MFT
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Choose the Solution That Best Suits You

Not sure what you need? Compare our SureSync products by their replication and sync features. Also, compare their automation and monitoring abilities, cost, and more.